About EyeGlossary
The goal of EyeGlossary.net is to serve as a hub for different areas of science and the beauty industry while seeking to explain them succinctly. Sticking to facts and underpinning our research with studies as well as other scientific findings stands at the forefront of our analysis.
We have found that most websites either hone in on the science or the beauty aspect. What seems to be lacking is a user-friendly platform that offers up insight into both sides of the cosmetics coin. The end-consumer ought to be able to understand exactly how a product works, including what side effects can be expected under certain circumstances.
Therefore, we typically instruct our authors to perform their investigations as objectively as possible and to be able to prove all their findings.
We also take a closer look behind the scenes, using a set of unique predefined criteria to check which ingredients are used and how they have been obtained. That way, we can inform our readers about the possible risks while providing reassurance if they’re interested in a particular product such as an eyelash growth serum or an eyebrow growth serum.
We hope that our in-depth research proves helpful and that you enjoy browsing our website. If you have any questions, you can contact the EyeGlossary team via this page.