Comparison Test of the 5 Best and Safest Eyelash Growth Serums 2025

Wir haben die besten Wimpernseren 2025 gefunden und getestet. Für lange, schwungvolle und voluminöse Wimpern.

Von der Expertin Lucia Baldessarini
zuletzt am 01. March 2025 überprüft und aktualisiert.


How to find a high quality, effective, and safe eyelash serum!

Film star, celebrity or supermodel? In the world of the rich and beautiful, distinctive and well-groomed eyebrows are a must together with voluminous, long, and luscious eyelashes to round off a perfect appearance.

But which secret is responsible for such expressive and seductive lashes? In very few cases, good genes are the reason. However, most cases will need an effective lash serum to lend a helping hand. And once you’ve acquired the taste, you’ll never want to resort to the hassle of fake lashes, eyelash extensions, or lumpy mascara again.

Epic lashes with eyelash growth serum

As with almost every beauty innovation, eventually, numerous manufacturers on the market will label their product as the best or the most effective. It’s the same spiel for eyelash growth serums.

Facts are even manipulated in some instances, along with false claims, touting the product as the go-to serum for voluminous and long lashes.

Many of these claims cannot be substantiated or verified by studies. The ingredients and additives that more thorough studies and tests often unearth stand in no relation to proper lash care, let alone promote the growth of the eyelashes. Even worse, they can cause adverse reactions.

How does a good eyelash growth serum work?

Usually, the lash hairs grow out for about 6 weeks and then fall off naturally after the resting phase is over.

At this point, the eyelash serum comes into play: it ensures that the growth phase of the lashes is significantly prolonged while simultaneously activating the growth of new eyelashes.

As a result, the number of lashes can multiply quickly, and the length of the lash hairs can increase thanks to the extended growth phase.

Without Eyelash Growth Serum

Without Eyelash Growth Serum

With Eyelash Growth Serum

With Eyelash Growth Serum

Not just some far-fetched advertising claim by the cosmetics industry: International and reputable studies from the US, Japan, and the UK also confirm the amazing effects of the key ingredient. It’s the first active substance proven to activate eyelash growth and sprout new lash hairs.

With this in mind, we took a closer look at the eyelash serum market and examined some of the top lash boosters. Our rating system of the 5 best eyelash growth serums, took such factors as effectiveness, ingredients, speed of results, safety, price/performance, and the trustworthiness of the manufacturer into consideration.

The results of our eyelash growth serum check-up

Eine Anmerkung vorab

“We highly recommend using one of the five eyelash serums from this ranking list. We believe these are the best in their class, plus you'll avoid a bad buy as many lash serums contain questionable ingredients and a dubious formula.”

1ORPHICA REALASH Eyelash Enhancer

Effectiveness ingredients
Customer feedback (8491 Reviews)
Expert evaluation
Overall rating

Pros: Orphica Realash

  • innovative formula of active ingredients based on proven findings
  • contains many natural and nourishing substances, cruelty-free!
  • award-winning eyelash growth serum with hundreds of positive online testimonials
  • the majority of users report speedy results within 14 days
  • consistently achieves top results in the trade press and tests
  • clinically tested
  • reputable performance of the internationally known brand ORPHICA from France
  • reasonable price for 3 ml & free delivery with a 90-day money-back guarantee

Cons: Orphica Realash

The eyelash growth serum overall winner does everything right, thus occupying the more than deserved first place. This lash serum works with a prostaglandin derivative, achieving an unparalleled level of effectiveness with a quick onset of results.

In our test, both the volume and length of the eyelashes improved considerably. Despite its high quality, the ORPHICA REALASH Eyelash Enhancer remains affordable. Of particular note are the series of synergy effects created through the complex formula of active ingredients.

Also, the main active ingredient ensures that initial visible results often occur after about 14 days, always depending on your age and genetic makeup. However, you should be able to see the first real signs of increased growth within 21 days by the latest.


Nothing can provide better proof than the following before-after picture: ORPHICA REALASH has achieved flawless results. The rather inconspicuous and sparse eyelashes have been transformed into dazzling spotlights, highlighting the eyes in their natural beauty.

Before Image After Image

In addition to the eyelash growth serum “REALASH”, the eyebrow growth serum “BROW” by ORPHICA was also used. It utilizes the same miracle ingredient as its kissing cousin.

A grand total of 28 days has passed between the two photos. Our tester is au naturel in both images.

And here the complete “after” picture:

Wimpernserum Erfolg nachher

ORPHICA’s top serum REALASH is a great choice for anyone who wants luscious, long, and voluminous lashes, even sans mascara.

A foundation for the optimal synthesis of care and efficiency is laid through the combination of numerous natural, nourishing essences and the scientifically proven prostaglandin derivative.

At the same time, the patented peptide cocktail has a positive effect on both aspects. All of this adds up to a relatively high but not grossly inflated price.

Thus, our test winner gets top billing when it comes to the best eyelash growth serums. We have nothing to criticize – except possibly that the serum isn’t vegan. But that is always a personal choice.

2Miralash Eyelash Enhancer

Miralash Eyelash Enhancer
Effectiveness ingredients
Customer feedback (5256 Reviews)
Expert evaluation
Overall rating

Pros: Miralash

  • with a prostaglandin derivative and peptides, scientifically proven to promote eyelash growth
  • super affordable via the value packs of the manufacturer (2-pack or 3-pack)
  • fast results can be expected
  • enriched with ginseng
  • manufacturer offers a money-back guarantee

Cons: Miralash

  • the original product is only available via the manufacturer’s website
  • the look isn’t exactly high-end
  • contains a questionable ingredient (disodium edta), suspected of harming the environment

The Miralash Eyelash Enhancer is known as an affordable growth serum and often sold in value packs for further savings. Despite its unbeatable low price, the use of a potent prostaglandin derivative isn’t waived: More than 80% of all test subjects noticed stronger and longer eyelashes.

With peptides and a prostaglandin derivative in the mix, the effectiveness of the Miralash Eyelash Enhancer can definitely hold its own amongst the top products on the market. It does get minus points for the inclusion of a questionable ingredient, plus the serum isn’t vegan either. To boot, the packaging is a bit on the cheap side and utilitarian at best.

For those savvy shoppers who don’t wish to spend a small fortune on the high-end Orphica Realash Eyelash Enhancer but still want to take advantage of the prostaglandin derivative and peptide combo, the look shouldn’t matter that much. The saving packs of the serum provide an even more cost-effective alternative.

3RevitaLash® Advanced Eyelash Conditioner

RevitaLash® Advanced Eyelash Conditioner
Effectiveness ingredients
Customer feedback (3762 Reviews)
Expert evaluation
Overall rating

Pros: Revitalash® Advanced

  • with a scientifically proven prostaglandin derivative
  • contains many natural extracts
  • patented biotin and peptide complex
  • good results can be expected quickly
  • vegan product
  • from a world-renowned brand

Cons: Revitalash® Advanced

  • contains a questionable ingredient that inhibits microorganisms (chlorphenesin)
  • definitely a pricey product
  • large quantity of substances increases the risk of allergic reactions (ingredients should be checked for known allergies before purchase!)

RevitaLash® is another premium prostaglandin derivative-based eyelash serum. It gained recognition mainly because it was the bestselling growth serum in the USA. As the leading brand at the time, RevitaLash® started up a new beauty trend and paved the way with its inhouse serum. Even today, this pioneer knows how to knock our socks off in our test.

The Eyelash Conditioner from RevitaLash® was the trailblazer for an entire market. As the first, more widespread lash serum, the foundation was laid for many seductive looks in the coming years. Today this lash booster is available in the “advanced” version, as tested on here. The original formula has been improved upon by incorporating more natural ingredients.

If you are willing to spend a bit more, the RevitaLash® Advanced Eyelash Conditioner could be a good alternative for you. This rings especially true for vegans, as RevitaLash® doesn’t use any animal byproducts and is cruelty-free. All these factors, combined with the outstanding quality and excellent results we obtained, were honored with the third place in our test.

4ÉleverLash Eyelash Enhancer

ÉleverLash Eyelash Enhancer
Effectiveness ingredients
Customer feedback (3288 Reviews)
Expert evaluation
Overall rating

Pros: Éleverlash

  • similarly priced as our #2 “Miralash”
  • the active ingredient combination promises fast and satisfactory results
  • internationally represented brand

Cons: Éleverlash

  • the original product is only available via the manufacturer’s website
  • pretty new to the market, so few testimonials available
  • no innovative formula

The ÉleverLash Eyelash Enhancer is similarly priced as the Miralash Eyelash Enhancer, and its manufacturer also offers attractive discounts on orders of 2 or more products via its website. This lash serum works with a prostaglandin derivative as its main active ingredient, which can stimulate eyelash growth. According to the manufacturer, the product has been clinically tested, and its effectiveness has been proven.

The design of the product is a bit playful, but can still adorn every makeup box. With its complex formula, the ÉleverLash Eyelash Enhancer guarantees tangible results for the user.

Even if the price is quite low and the ingredients of the product sound promising, it only placed fourth in this test. Some reasons are that the product is still relatively new to the market, the formula is not innovative, and no reviews are available that confirm its effectiveness.

Anyone who still wants to “risk” it has nothing to lose thanks to the affordable value packs. If you’re going to play it safe, opt for either the similarly priced Miralash Eyelash Enhancer (our second place) or head over to our test winner and high-end product ORPHICA REALASH.

5ForChics ForLash Eyelash Enhancing Serum

Effectiveness ingredients
Customer feedback (781 Reviews)
Expert evaluation
Overall rating

Pros: Forlash

  • affordable price
  • international prominence
  • natural ingredients

Cons: Forlash

  • very long delivery time
  • many disgruntled customers
  • unclear whether growth can really be achieved

For quite a few months now, the manufacturer of ForLash has been promoting its serum across the various social media channels worldwide. That’s why we’ve also included this eyelash growth serum in our test.

Based in Los Angeles, the US manufacturer comes across as trustworthy, and the design of the lash serum looks promising.

According to the manufacturer, the ingredients of this eyelash growth serum are all of natural origin: Purified water, sodium chloride, benzalkonium chloride, citric acid, disodium phosphates, cellulose gum, hyaluronic acid, active factor, and polypeptides.

Upon closer inspection, the experienced user of an eyelash or eyebrow serum will soon realize that none of the ingredients are proven to be responsible for hair growth. It’s fair to say that the active substances will nourish and pamper the fine hairs. However, growth is doubtful.

The relatively long shipping time, estimated to be anywhere from 2 to 6 weeks by the manufacturer, doesn’t exactly help matters either. Customers who clearly voice their dissatisfaction via the Trustpilot portal also confirm this issue.

Nonetheless, customers abound who describe the success of the lash booster. Due to its low price that factored into our ranking system, this serum got away with a “sufficient” rating. However, if you’re looking for a safe bet, then we recommend choosing an eyelash growth serum that occupies one of the top four spots. For example: Our test winner ORPHICA REALASH.

Abschließendes Fazit zu unserem großen Wimpernserum Test

Seit der Markteinführung des ersten Wimpernserums hat sich viel verändert. Wirkstoffformeln wurden verbessert, die Preise sind gesunken und erfolgreiche, nebenwirkungsarme und effektive Wimpernseren konnten sich langfristig etablieren.

Gleichzeitig ist die Anzahl der verfügbaren Wimpernseren unüberschaubar geworden und Verbraucher können leicht in die Irre geführt werden. Fehlkäufe sind bei "Wimpernserum Neulingen" durch die riesige Produktauswahl fast garantiert.

Unser Test hat gezeigt, dass nur wenige Wimpernseren tatsächlich die gewünschte Wirkung entfalten. Wer also auf Nummer sicher gehen will und ein Wimpernserum probieren möchte, das auch hält, was es verspricht, sollte auf etablierte Marken wie "Orphica" zurückgreifen.

Nachahmer locken zwar häufig mit niedrigen Preisen und faszinierenden Werbesprüchen, sollten aber stets vermieden werden. Zu groß ist die Gefahr, ein schwarzes Schaf zu erwischen, das nicht nur wirkungslos ist, sondern auch eine Gefahr für die Augengesundheit darstellt.

Overview of the 3 best eyelash growth serum products

  • Cohen J. L. (2010). Enhancing the growth of natural eyelashes: the mechanism of bmtprst – induced eyelash growth. Dermatologic surgery : official publication for American Society for Dermatologic Surgery [et al.], 36(9), 1361–1371.
  • Zaleski-Larsen, L. A., Ruth, N. H., & Fabi, S. G. (2017). Retrospective Evaluation of Topical bmtprst and Iris Pigmentation Change. Dermatologic surgery : official publication for American Society for Dermatologic Surgery [et al.], 43(12), 1431–1433.
  • Chanasumon, N., Sriphojanart, T., & Suchonwanit, P. (2018). Therapeutic potential of bmtprst for the treatment of eyebrow hypotrichosis. Drug design, development and therapy, 12, 365–372.
  • Giannico, A. T., Lima, L., Russ, H. H., & Montiani-Ferreira, F. (2013). Eyelash growth induced by topical prostaglandin analogues, bmtprst, tflprst, trvprst, and ltnoprst in rabbits. Journal of ocular pharmacology and therapeutics : the official journal of the Association for Ocular Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 29(9), 817–820.
  • Jones D. (2011). Enhanced eyelashes: prescription and over-the-counter options. Aesthetic plastic surgery, 35(1), 116–121.
  • Hwang, K., & Kim, H. (2018). Perceptions of Healthy-Looking and Sexy-Looking Brow Thickness. The Journal of craniofacial surgery, 29(4), 1064–1068.
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